Tag: automation

Shopify’s Inventory Management System: What You Need to Know

For a new ecommerce business owner, managing your inventory can be daunting at first. Fortunately, Shopify offers an inventory management system that helps you track your stock levels and keep your business running smoothly.

Automatic Discounts for Your New Email Subscribers on Shopify

Do you offer your new email subscribers a discount on their first purchase? It is a great incentive to get new sign ups and convert them to new customers on your website. Let’s run through how to set this up on Shopify.

Playing to Your Strengths For Entrepreneurs

As a business owner you have control of your business, but it can be hard to see improvements from the inside. Here are some specific ways you can optimise your business to work in alignment with who you are.

Managing Tax, Kiwisaver, and Student Loans When You’re Self-Employed

For some reason, being self-employed means you take on many of the financial burdens of a business – all by yourself. This can be tough, especially when you first start out. But once you have a grasp on how it all works, you can get it under control.