Category: Glow Creative

What Costs are Involved with Building and Running a Website?

It can feel daunting to think about all the different aspects involved with a new website. Here you will find an in-depth guide to the various costs of building and running a website that in turn will help you earn more.

What Do I Need to Know About Web Domains & Hosting for My Website?

Web domains and hosting are an essential piece of the website puzzle – you can’t build one without them. But what are they? What purpose do they serve? And what’s the difference between them?

How Do I Brand My Business?

Branding your business is a core step that needs to come early in the process. Getting your brand right from the start is important in ensuring a consistent experience for your clients or customers and your team.

How Do I Build a Website for My Business?

So you have a business to grow and you’re thinking about a website. Where do you start?

10 Reasons to Work for Yourself

Passion is really important when setting out on your own. When you love what you do, you feel fulfilled. I encourage anyone with a passion to think about how they can turn it into a career. One way to do this is to work for yourself – here are my top reasons to take the plunge!