Category: Uncategorised

How to Get What You Want Through Positivity

The mind is so powerful. When we choose positive thoughts and make it a habit, everything changes for the better. Making proactive choices and taking action is the way forward.

Playing to Your Strengths For Entrepreneurs

As a business owner you have control of your business, but it can be hard to see improvements from the inside. Here are some specific ways you can optimise your business to work in alignment with who you are.

A Closer Look at Being Yourself

What does it really mean to be yourself? You’re told to “be yourself” all the time, but do you really take it in? Does it resonate? Here are some of my definitions of being yourself.

Tips for Managing Your Mental Health When You’re Self Employed

Mental health is a huge topic, but it can be helpful to share your experiences for others to learn from. I often find myself fighting to be productive, so I’m sharing some tips I’ve learnt that may be useful to you.

Start Where You Are

No one successful was “ready”; it’s a myth. Start taking small steps that lead to bigger changes. There seem to be many things we put off due to not feeling ready. Changing careers, travel, achieving any dream or goal really. Sometimes, taking action may truly not be possible. But time and time again, this is a façade. Achievement is all in your mindset.

6 Things You Can Learn From Your Job (Even If It Isn’t “The One”)

I don’t think you need to worry about your first job or internship being perfect. I don’t think it needs to be the thing you really want to do, the place you want to spend your life, or the people you want to continue life with, all at the same time first time around. What I do believe is that you need to do something.

Managing Tax, Kiwisaver, and Student Loans When You’re Self-Employed

For some reason, being self-employed means you take on many of the financial burdens of a business – all by yourself. This can be tough, especially when you first start out. But once you have a grasp on how it all works, you can get it under control.

What is a Sole Trader?

For my first post sharing some of my learnings, I’m kicking it off with some key information about being a sole trader in New Zealand.

Glow Creative Launch

Hello, my name is Ashleigh Kooyman, and I’m excited to introduce you to Glow Creative – a digital design business. Glow was born of passion. Fuelled by a desire to enjoy working life and push outside the boundaries of a typical ‘job’.