Tag: guide

How Do I Brand My Business?

Branding your business is a core step that needs to come early in the process. Getting your brand right from the start is important in ensuring a consistent experience for your clients or customers and your team.

Managing Tax, Kiwisaver, and Student Loans When You’re Self-Employed

For some reason, being self-employed means you take on many of the financial burdens of a business – all by yourself. This can be tough, especially when you first start out. But once you have a grasp on how it all works, you can get it under control.

How Do I Build a Website for My Business?

So you have a business to grow and you’re thinking about a website. Where do you start?

What is a Sole Trader?

For my first post sharing some of my learnings, I’m kicking it off with some key information about being a sole trader in New Zealand.